Sunday, October 4, 2020

Snow white - Resin tray as Background

Greetings Everyone!

This is Isha Pai and today I am here to share photo tutorial of my last project 
for this month and which goes very well with the 
current theme "Fairy World"

I have made scene of "Snow White" keeping MDF resin tray as background.

Materials Used are:
1. Black Gesso
2. Chroma Burst - Bright Carnival, Gamma Black, Fresh water, Lemon Verbena and Silk                                           Magic Magenta
3. Ancient Gold Metallic Paint
4. Fairy Dust
5. Silver Mica Flakes
6. Newly launched chipboards: Peace, border and half moon with stars.

Photo Tutorial:

Drying time 24 hours, note to keep the resin poured object on the flat surface. 

To give galaxy background I have used Fairy dust as well as Silver Mica Flakes.

I hope you have loved my project.

Happy Crafting..!

Love & Peace from me to you all..